Friday, 16 September 2016

Horoscope for Saturday 17th September 2016

Horoscope for Saturday 17th September 2016

Are you curious to know what today has in store for you? Jessica Adams' free daily horoscope will help you to plan your Saturday.


March 21 - April 19
This is a good weekend to take stock of your career, university degree, full-time parenting or unpaid work. You have spent the last week dealing with people who take over a space, or with situations which seem to completely dominate you. What you are actually learning is quite an old lesson. You have to take control before he/she/they/it takes control of you! You'll remember it next time.


April 20 - May 20
There is a fine line between wanting to hold the reins with your web, travel, foreign, publishing, religious or education agenda - and being too focussed on having complete control. There must be a happy medium, as you saw this week. If you just throw your hands up in the air and give in or give up, you do get overwhelmed. However, there is no point in trying to boss an uncontrollable world.


May 21 - June 20
Your house, apartment, money, business, possessions or charity has been an issue this week, thanks to Pluto (the dwarf planet not the Walt Disney dog). You have seen what can happen if you don't think quickly enough and take strong enough action. Other people, organisations or situations just take over and take away from you, on some level. What have you learned for next time?


June 21 - July 22
This week was a good lesson in how to manage life with a former, current or potential lover. Enemies too, perhaps. Assuming that you somehow have to give in, and give up, does not help. In fact, there are always ways to organise things better, as you may have known, but somehow forgotten. Pluto cycles show us to 'be prepared' like any Boy Scout and to have defences ready next time.


July 23 - August 22
Your week has been ruled by Pluto and so your lifestyle, body, daily routine and regular workload has been side-swiped by a person, situation or organisation which made you feel as if you had lost the reins. This is a good lesson for next time, Leo, and you now know what to do (and what not to do) if anything like it, happens again. A few new rules for living are a very good idea.


August 23 - September 22
Lovers, babies, children, younger adults or youth as a whole, suggests a major lesson over the last seven days. Everything was going fine and then someone or something basically took over your space. This may have been your literal space (home) or your emotional, psychic, sexual or psychological space. Review this now and use what you learned to prevent it next time. Or get away.


September 23 - October 22
I am sure you would handle the last seven days differently if you could, but you learn from situations with family, home, property, your home town, homeland or household and are then better prepared next time. Knowing what you now know, there will be different rules and regulations for yourself next time. The moment you detect the same issue, jump on it. Don't hang around.


October 23 - November 21
Pluto has been increasing the pressure for the last seven days, particularly with Twitter, the regular media, and the normal communication which comes with your telephone, spoken word presentations, face-to-face understanding, e-mails and so on. You now know better, don't you! In fact, I doubt you will ever get into this irritating situation again. You'll take steps much earlier, non?


November 22 - December 21
Your entire week has been 'Plutoed' as they call it in astronomy and astrology. The money, possessions, house, apartment, charity or business has been at the mercy of factors outside your control, or people who take over. Maybe organisations have been taking over, too. His will/her will/their will has been inflicted on you. Well, never again! Next time you'll handle this very differently.


December 22 - January 19
Using the weekend to take a long backwards look at matters of image, presentation, packaging, reputation and profile is a smart idea. You have quite a lot to get out of your system as I am sure that feeling of being dominated, overwhelmed or taken over (perhaps by the universe itself) was too much. The truth is, you run yourself. You know you can. You've done it before. Return to it.


January 20 - February 18
The entire zodiac has spent the last seven days dealing with lessons about how to become more powerful and in control, by summoning up all the power within, to become the boss of oneself, or one's life - again. This is also true for you though it has been far more secret, unfathomable to others, or perhaps a mystery to outsiders. The truth is, you do have your power back. Use it.



February 19 - March 20
Your social life, Twitter account, friendships and more formal group involvements suggests the last week has been a real learning curve for you. The truth is, people take over. They take over space (mess, perhaps) or they inflict their way of doing things, or living, upon you! You very wisely pulled the wheel back to your side of the road. Now, what are you promising yourself you won't repeat?

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