Monday, 19 September 2016

Horoscope for Tuesday 20th September 2016

Horoscope for Tuesday 20th September 2016

Are you curious to know what today has in store for you? Jessica Adams' free daily horoscope will help you to plan your Tuesday.


March 21 - April 19
You were quite right to accept a role, title or niche which you realised would let you crack open your own shell. The issue is still timing, though, as although your image, name or reputation has gone through extreme change in the last year or two, there is more to come. The cycle ends in 2018.


April 20 - May 20
You appear to be taking a slippery road with a particular friend or group, yet you must keep the faith. It will require minimum energy and effort, and despite the psychology of particular people – 2017 is oozing with the most enormous potential. This could be your holiday from reality if you keep it real. The trick is finding people who can help.


May 21 - June 20
Pluto in your finance, possessions, property and business zone suggest there is a price to be paid for dealing with particular personalities. Of course you stand to gain, as strong tactics help you bypass the politics and come out with a sense of empowerment. It takes will power.


June 21 - July 22
The pessimists you dealt with at work, at university or at home will ultimately cease to affect you. This might also be said of a gloomy industry trend or a particularly self-sabotaging company. Enjoy putting your strategy into action. The biggest and best in work is yet to come once you get over this test.


July 23 - August 22
Even if you must navigate carefully with family members or particular flatmates, the path from now to Halloween is full of useful omen and signs, pointing to a bigger and better future. Within months, one piece of distant trouble with your tenants, real estate agents, country, town, relative, flatmate, house or apartment is behind you. The best is yet to come.


August 23 - September 22
You can be a zen citizen about image, brand or personal style issues if you like. It certainly helps when the Node in Virgo keeps one issue on high rotation. Do keep working towards financial or business highs near your birthday, next year, though. That’s the key as Jupiter is in a new sign.


September 23 - October 22
You cannot put a price on a philosophical approach to what either debt or abundance entails. It’s also highly relevant to your situation now, as finance, property or business is so overdue for a fresh start. You’ll have one at the end of October, right on Halloween and the New Moon.


October 23 - November 21
There seem to be issues about entitlement, around your former, current or potential partner. And maybe a rival or enemy. This complex emotion is down to Ceres in your opposite sign, on and off, until next year. The compromise in 2017 will work.


November 22 - December 21
Neptune is now in your home, family, household, home town and homeland zone as you may know. It can be hard to change what are basically repetitive scenarios and over-familiar situations in this cycle. The answer lies in a savvy attitude shift. As always, you need to set a line and keep it firm!


December 22 - January 19
If the end of 2016 this feels like a big ‘Me’ time for you, so it should be. The lovely thing about Christmas and birthdays is the way they show you how others see you. And around your birthday everyone wants to see you! This is worth planning for, Capricorn, as the Sun will go into your sign.


January 20 - February 18
The right friends, at the right time in your life, for all the right reasons. That’s what you are so used to, yet nothing has been easy or simple with friendship or groups of people, since last year. This takes time, patience and work, yet it will ease up.


February 19 - March 20
Perhaps it’s a partner or family member who is the key to your increased abundance and prosperity in the first half of 2017. If so, maybe this person is around you today. While the cosmic Santa Claus, Jupiter, is dispensing gifts, though, remember nothing is predictable – not until May 2018!

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