Monday, 19 September 2016

Walk with care, your style can reveal how aggressive you are

Walk with care, your style can reveal how aggressive you are:

You will be astonished to know but yes, walking style determines how aggressive you are. In a new study, scientists tried to evaluate the aggression level just by monitoring how a person walks and they succeeded to a large extent. According to study authors, exaggerated or more than required movement of upper as well as lower body suggests aggression or anger.
While walking our body rotates a bit just to maintain the balance. When we move left part of our in the forward direction; right parts of the body automatically move in the backward direction in order maintain the balance and prevent us from falling. It is a general movement. However, researchers noted that in the case of anger or aggression this movement is exaggerated.
Lead study author from the University of Portsmouth in Britain said, “When walking, the body naturally rotates a little, as an individual steps forward with their left foot, the left side of the pelvis will move forward with the leg, the left shoulder will move back and the right shoulder forward to maintain balance. An aggressive walk is one where this rotation is exaggerated.”
It is the first study of its kind that confirms any direct relationship between swagger and psychology. Scientists previously predicted that aggression has an interlink with the body movement but none provided the solid evidence to confirm the find.
For the study, researchers observed 29 participants and used motion sensing technology to examine their movements. Participants were asked to maintain a self-analysis report of their mood. Study authors then compared the mood with the body movement on the treadmill at natural speed.
Personality traits including openness, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness and neuroticism; also known as ‘big five’ were used to determine the personality of the participant.
After analyzing the 3D imagery of the thorax and pelvis movements, it was confirmed that aggression does lead to exaggerated movement of body parts.
So, next time beware, if any person shows exaggerated movement then he is in aggressive mood and try not to mess with him.

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