Tuesday 2 June 2015

Health tips - White mulberry is a super food for diabetes

White Mulberry Superfood For Diabetes
After Acai berries, Goji berries, Noni berries, Blueberries and Blackberries, the next berry stealing the spotlight is the White Mulberry. These tiny berries, also known as Morus alba, help reduce the risk of diabetes, lower cholesterol, battle against heart disease and also help you shed weight.
Dr. Oz featured white mulberries on his show and recommends them because they are composed of antioxidants, minerals and health promoting vitamins. If you are lucky, you can eat them fresh just like a raw foodist would prefer or try sun-dried mulberries, which are slightly sweet, refreshingly tart and chewy in texture.


Unlike the nursery rhyme, mulberries are grown on trees and not bushes. The trees grow rapidly and produce large amounts of berries. If you can’t finish eating all the raw berries you harvest, they can either be sun-dried or frozen, as they can only be stored in a fresh state for about 2-3 days before spoiling. There is a wide variety of species available, ranging from deep red to luscious white. The white variety is being touted as the Superfood and available in stores in dried form. Besides the fruit, the mulberry leaves are also packed with nutrition and used in Chinese medicine and as food for silk worms.

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