Saturday 18 July 2015

Horoscope for this week starting from 19th July 2015

Based on your date of birth, find out zodiac given below and then according to that you see your horoscope for tthis week:

Aries: March 20 - April 18
Taurus: April 19 - May 19
Gemini: May 20 - June 20
Cancer: June 21 - July 21
Leo: July 22 - August 21
Virgo: August 22 - Sept 21
Libra: Sept 22 - Oct 22
Scorpio: Oct 23 - Nov 20
Sagittarius: Nov 21 - Dec 20
Capricorn: Dec 21 - Jan 19
Aquarius: Jan 20 - Feb 18
Pisces: Feb 19 - March 19

Aries :: With Venus being debilitated now, you are likely to experience some uneasy moments in marital life. Lack of co-operation, coupled with an indifferent attitude of your life partner is likely to hurt you a lot emotionally. You may retaliate by spending most of your time outside your house to avoid direct contact with your spouse. You may be much dissatisfied with your marital life and feel like breaking up the relationship. But Ganesha says this is a transitory effect, so take it easy and do not take any extreme steps. At work, you may continue to have a tough time. In fact, the hostile attitude of your boss may shake your confidence and make you feel low and colleagues too may not support or sympathize with you. This may develop in you a strong urge to look for a change. Around Thursday, the Sun will shift to its own sign Leo. This is likely to prompt you to act with grace. Around Friday, Mercury will also change sign to enter Leo.

Taurus :: This week, you may be busy changing the decor of your living room to give it a more modern look and add more luxuries to your home. As a major change in planetary configuration, the Sun will enter own sign Leo. Sun will now be placed in the 4th House from your sign and conjunct with Jupiter and Venus already posited therein. With the Sun in its own sign, your confidence is likely to grow. The next day, Mercury will also enter Leo. This is likely to induce you to think big and go all out to make your dream come true. But Ganesha says consistent effort on your part will be required to achieve this feat. Making money may not be your only goal. You may be inclined to achieve something that will benefit many. However, retrograde Saturn placed in the 7th House may act as a deterrent, holding you back from moving fast by posing hurdles in your way to progress.

Gemini :: In the initial stages of this week, there will be heavy domestic expenses. With the Moon placed in Virgo, you are likely to be keen on putting things in order and also to set your priorities right, says Ganesha. Around Wednesday and Thursday, you may be at your wits end, resolving issues related to your personal, intimate relations. Lack of quality time spent with your spouse or love partner may be the reason behind these issues. But you are likely to come out of this turmoil soon and divert your attention to career related activities. Around Wednesday, the Sun will enter its own sign Leo and get placed in the 3rd House from your sign. With this, your social circle stands to expand. The very next day, Mercury will follow the Sun to enter Leo. This change is likely to work well in making use of the new relationship intelligently to advance your interests. Professionals are likely to get the right exposure to manifest their inherent ability to handle a complex job.

Cancer :: Under the effect of Monday blues, you may not be able to focus on the task alloted to you. If this negativity is carried too far, it could affect your overall performance for the day. Around Tuesday and Wednesday, you are likely to be busy with domestic matters. Some major changes in planetary configurations will take place around this time. On Wednesday, the Sun will enter own sign Leo and get placed in the 2nd House from your sign to join Jupiter already placed therein. This may mean more guests visiting you and your family which can lead to increase in expenses. The next day, Mercury will follow the Sun to enter Leo. This conjunction of Sun, Mercury and Jupiter may facilitate handsome monetary gains for you. Investments made earlier are likely to bring encouraging returns now. All these gains are likely to strengthen your financial position. Over the weekend, Venus will turn retrograde which may not bode well for those of you in a love relationship.

Leo :: With the Moon connecting with debilitated Venus in the 2nd House related to speech, you may become boastful and arrogant just to impress people around you. But do not go overboard; remain humble and polite in conversation. This is likely to send positive signals about your personality. You will also need to deliberate well before taking any major decision related to money matters. Refrain from lending money to a relative for business purpose. If doing a job, you may need to learn a few things or take a crash course for improving your skills. Around Wednesday and Thursday, you are likely to remain agitated and confused about what strategy to adopt for progress. Major change in planetary position now is about the Sun shifting to own sign Leo. With Sun and Jupiter both placed in your sign, you may tend to act with grace and modesty. The very next day, Mercury will follow the Sun to enter Leo. These changes seem favourable to improve your position on the financial front.

Virgo :: With Moon in your sign, along with debilitated Venus, you may not feel inclined to go out and meet people you know. You may want to be left alone. You may keep yourself busy, organising things at all levels and setting your priorities. You may face hurdles in your routine work and may not be able to stick to priorities. If in job, you may have a tough time performing efficiently. Meeting deadlines is likely to become extremely difficult. Your boss is likely to pressurise to hasten up. Freshers may have a tough time getting used to new environment and work culture. Besides, peers may not be co-operative in guiding you. Around Thursday, Sun enters Leo. Sun is now posited in the 12th House from your sign where it joins Jupiter. Sun posited in the 12th House is not a happy proposition. Incidental and personal expenses are likely to increase alarmingly. You may have to borrow money for meeting short-term requirements. The very next day, Mercury follows Sun to enter Leo. Another change happens in form of Venus turning retrograde on Saturday.

Libra :: With Moon posited in the 12th House, you may be in a hurry to boost your earnings. However, retrograde Saturn is likely to place obstacles in your path. And with the ruler of the 2nd House, Mars in a debilitated state, you may have to work hard to earn any extra money. You may soon realise that there are no free lunches in the world. You are likely to have a busy routine, whether doing business, regular job or freelancer. You may have to work hard to achieve desired results. In money matters, you are likely to be a bit hard-pressed. You may need to curb personal expenses to augment savings. Around Thursday, Sun changes sign to enter Leo. Sun gets posited in the 11th House from your sign. The next day, Mercury follows to enter Leo, to join Sun and Jupiter posited therein. Another major change takes place with the ruler of your sign Venus turning retrograde. This is likely to make love birds unhappy.

Scorpio :: This week will be a complete contrast to the euphoria experienced earlier. You may find yourself somewhat stuck-up now. You may not be able to set your priorities right. This kind of confusion may see you getting carried away by distractions. In fact, this state of confusion is likely to aggravate around Wednesday and Thursday. This seems to happen on account of the Moon coming closer to Rahu (North node). Around Thursday, the Sun will enter its own sign Leo. This is likely to make you feel confident and will see you act with conviction. Businesspersons dealing with government or related organisations are likely to enjoy a gainful time now. On Friday, Mercury will follow the Sun to enter Leo. This is likely to usher in good times for you. You can now start a new project or venture in a new territory to boost earnings. Start-ups are likely to make profits in the long run. On Saturday, Venus turns retrograde in Virgo.

Sagittarius :: It is now time to focus and attend to work-related matters. If in a job, there may be a change in your responsibility. You may be entrusted with some important task for which you may need to do some multitasking and work overtime. The Sun will enter its own sign Leo from Thursday. The Sun will now be placed in the 9th House from your sign. The Sun is the ruler of the 9th House related to fortune, among other things. In view of this, you can hope luck will help you succeed. However, Saturn is likely to put roadblocks in your path. But if you take things in the right perspective, you are likely to emerge as a more matured professional. And mature professionals do not get disturbed in adversity. Mercury will follow Sun to Leo on Friday. Mercury is likely to provide necessary intellectual inputs to achieve growth. Businesspersons and freelancers are also likely to benefit from this change in planetary alliances.

Capricorn :: You may feel like taking out time to go for a pilgrimage or or to a tourist spot, but some pressing matters related to work may not allow you to do so. Those doing a job may be burdened by heavy workload which will keep you busy almost throughout the week. You may even enter into an argument with your boss over deadlines, but in vain. Colleagues may also not be very sympathetic and may, on the contrary, find fault with you. You are likely to be much disappointed with all this and develop a strong urge to look for a better job opportunity. However, with the ruler of your sign, Saturn, moving in retrograde mode, this time does not seem conducive for a change. From Thursday, the Sun will change sign to enter its own sign Leo. The Sun will now join Jupiter placed in the 8th House from your sign. Ganesha feels this is the right time to look within and attain peace. Opting for meditation is also likely to work well here.

Aquarius :: When planetary alliances are not favourable, nothing changes for good. Besides, too much stress may take a toll on your health. With two fiery planets, Sun and debilitated Mars, placed in the 6th House, it is likely to adversely affect those having problems related to blood pressure. Gastric problem may also bother you most of the time. You will need to cool down and become stress-free to let medication work in a positive way. The aspect of Sun and Mars over the 12th House related to expenses may cause unexpected monetary outflow, leaving you in a fix. You may have a tough time managing money for the same. But the good thing is that your friends are likely to come to your rescue and help you financially. On Thursday, the Sun will enter its own Sign Leo and get placed in the 7th House, along with Jupiter. The very next day, Mercury will follow the Sun by entering Leo. This conjunction of Sun and Mercury with Jupiter does not bode well for a happy marital life.

Pisces :: Marital life will seem to be pleasant and enjoyable this week as you will be able to enjoy quality time with your spouse. However, at times, the interference of your in-laws in your personal affairs may turn things sour. You may be at your wits end trying to sort out the issues raised by your in-laws. Around Thursday, the Sun will change sign to enter its own sign, fiery Leo. The Sun will now be placed in the 6th House from your sign. With powerful Sun in the 6th House, you may be able to handle adverse situations with great confidence. Your focus will also be on curing old nagging health issues. Opting for alternative medication is likely to work well for you, says Ganesha. Mercury will follow the Sun on the next day to enter Leo and will provide the necessary intellectual inputs to handle adversity efficiently. But the conduct of someone near to you may emotionally imbalance you around Tuesday and Wednesday.

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