Tuesday 14 July 2015

Horoscope for today, the 14th July 2015

Based on your date of birth, find out zodiac given below and then according to that you see your horoscope for today:

Aries: March 20 - April 18
Taurus: April 19 - May 19
Gemini: May 20 - June 20
Cancer: June 21 - July 21
Leo: July 22 - August 21
Virgo: August 22 - Sept 21
Libra: Sept 22 - Oct 22
Scorpio: Oct 23 - Nov 20
Sagittarius: Nov 21 - Dec 20
Capricorn: Dec 21 - Jan 19
Aquarius: Jan 20 - Feb 18
Pisces: Feb 19 - March 19

Aries :: Interactive sessions with people who think like you are on the cards. At last you may have an intimate talk with your beloved and you will get a chance to confide your commitment to the relationship, says Ganesha. You may even express your long-term dreams.

Taurus :: Priorities and money matters will line up impatiently to knock on your door (and desk). Your financial constraints will get an outburst today. People may be taken by surprise with the way you get poignant. You will also enjoy the higher accountability reposed on you, predicts Ganesha.

Gemini :: Today, you will get an opportunity to rejuvenate yourself with seamless energy. How? Ganesha's guess is that you will find - or at least you will believe that you have found - your purpose in life. It will keep you excited throughout the day, and maybe even for days to come. You may spend lavishly to improve your personal appearance. Such expenditures are only an investment, feels Ganesha.

Cancer :: Your business acquaintances will come forward in the manner that may seem nothing short of some divine intervention. This means that they will virtually save your neck from the guillotine, predicts Ganesha. You will grow wiser in your spending ways, as you will know what to buy and what not to buy. At work, you will impress everyone with your skills and efficiency.

Leo :: You are blessed with a visionary's creative streak. Perhaps, that's why, you see things differently from others. Today, thanks to the stars, your creative side will surge forth with renewed vigour. You will generate ideas effortlessly and continuously as you reach your creative peak. Just remember that having an imaginative mind means learning lessons from the past and visualising a better future. So, ideate responsibly, advises Ganesha.

Virgo :: There will be dirt on your shoulder today, so dust it off, says Ganesha, because every time you fall you will get up stronger than before. Your logic and analytical skills will help you find the necessary precision to accomplish tasks at work. You may spend the evening with a close friend or your beloved, engrossed in a stimulating conversation.

Libra :: There are many kinds of worries that you must equip yourself to deal with. To do this, you may have to learn and follow the basic steps of problem-analysing techniques. The steps involve obtaining facts, analysing them and then arriving at a decision based upon your observations. Most important, though, is that you must act upon the decision thus derived, says Ganesha.

Scorpio :: You will live the day in two dominant shades, feels Ganesha. One part of your day will be tinted in nostalgia and thinking, while the other will be spent in making up for the time you lost while star gazing and ignoring your work. Do not let the ghosts of your past haunt you because some things are best left behind while making a new beginning, says Ganesha.

Sagittarius :: You will discover a flair for flirting as you puppet words to your romantic will with ease and grace. Most of today will be spent in the company of a loved one, perhaps a picnic for two, or a day-long romantic date. Stay prepared for the worst as this may not necessarily blossom into a long-lasting relationship, warns Ganesha.

Capricorn :: It's a lucky day for your sweetheart! Wonder why it's written in your horoscope? You will pamper him/her to the hilt, take them out on a shopping spree and buy whatever they lay their eyes on, even if it's way beyond reasonable, says Ganesha. You will go overboard to make your love feel that nothing else matters, and although this lavish outing will serve the purpose, you may later repent not keeping a count of your cash.

Aquarius :: You have your head on your shoulders and feet on the ground. Congratulations! You've covered the first step to success. Step two, says Ganesha, involves an inquisitive mind and a questioning attitude. Later, you may resort to shortcuts and compromise a tad in quality.

Pisces :: The fount of your creativity spurts today like there is no tomorrow. For lesser mortals, it takes inspiration, perspiration and a lot of desperation to come up with something creative. You, on the other hand, keenly remember the lessons from your past efforts, and use them today to scale new heights, says Ganesha.

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