In recent years, there has been an immense popularity of Yoga in the West countries as well. A lot of foreign people now travel to India not in search of beaches and food but for Yoga retreats in India. Whether a by-donation program or a luxury spa we bring you a list of top centers for Yoga in India for all the yoga-curious people out there!
  1. Ananda in the Himalayas, Narendranagar

    This is one luxury spa residing in the Himalayan abode. One of the highest ranked spas in the world, Ananada in the Himalayas is well famed because of their ancient Yoga techniques and skills. Inspired from the Bihar school of Yoga, this luxury spa provides its visitors with different types of meditation and well-tried ‘Shuddi Kriyas’ or ancient yogic practices intended with the motive or purifying one’s complete body and mind.
    With a wide variety of packages one can easily chose from different retreats like stress management, yoga detox etc. as per the need and convenience. For its efficient service, professional Yog Gurus and proper technique – this is one of the flawless Yoga retreats in India and is also a favorite destination among people from all over the world.
  2. Tushita Meditation Centre, Dharamshala

    Crowned in the serene land of Himachal Pradesh, Tushita Medication Center, employs silence as its major tool for relaxing its visitors. The center believes in the teachings and practices of Lord Buddha and thus helps all its visitors in exploring and discovering themselves through the medium of spirituality.
    A certain kind of positive energy envelops this entire place that helps people in shedding off all possible distractions and purifying their mind as well as soul. Nestled in the neighborhood of Dalai Lama, while here make sure to absorb the utter calm and peace wrapping this tranquil land.
  3. Parmarth Niketan, Rishikesh

    There is one place for Yoga in India that believes in considering Yoga not only as a meditation but as a thorough prospering profession. With around 1000 rooms in its eight acre campus, Parmarth Niketan in Rishikesh provides an extensive Yoga program for beginners as well as regular followers.
    Another most remarkable feature about this ashram is the week long international Yoga festival held at ashram every year. With devotees from all around the world one can easily meditate and learn more about this treasure from skilled – professional Acharya’s and Guru’s.
  4. Yoga Institute, Mumbai

    First and oldest center of yoga in the world, Yoga Institute in Mumbai was founded in 1918 by Shri Yogendraji and is a widely acclaimed Yoga Retreats in India. Along with its systematic approach towards yoga, this is one center that believes in propagating the immense wealth of yoga all across the world in the form of learning.
    With its well famed workshops, courses and camps one can easily mediate and re-connect with themselves. Also, their widely spread out health camps is one modern approach that has gradually made them evolve much more in their journey.
  5. Osho Meditation resort, Pune

    The stunning gardens of Osho Meditation Resort in Pune is one place that naturally soothes your mind the moment you step in the province. A stunning blend of a traditional ashram and a luxury spa, this yoga retreat in India is one comfortable paradise that won’t let you step out.
    The sprawling 28 acre campus has all worldly amenities but it is actually the quite gardens, marble pathways and a tropical greenery that automatically makes this place an ideal yoga retreat.
  6. Ayurveda Yoga Meditation Resort, Coonor

    Explore the power of Indian medication ‘Ayurveda’ in this placid abode located in the picturesque Nilgril Mountains of Southern India. Ayurveda Yoga Meditation Resort is surrounded with stunning organic farms, herbs and various other medicinal plants.
    Yoga, Organic farming and communal vegetarian meals are just to name a few; rejuvenate yourself with personalized individual care programs provided at this happy abode.
  7. Shreyas Yoga Retreat, Bangalore

    One of the most luxurious and grand yoga retreats in the world, Shreyas Yoga Retreat in Bangalore is one center that has sessions customized to match every visitor’s need. An array of classes, rejuvenation spa, meditation sessions are just to name a few!
    With their belief that Yoga is a pathway that leads to self-discovery and spirituality, one can easily explore himself under the supportive guidance of professionals. Leave aside all the hum-drums of world and rejuvenate with the soothing Yoga facility available here.
  8. Yoga Vidya Spiritual Retreats, Kerala

    A beautiful fusion of Ayurveda, meditation and yoga – Yoga Vidya Spiritual Retreats is one institution run by scholars, professors from all over the world. Focused entirely on Yoga as a teaching medium one can easily admit to any of the sessions.
    While for beginners a 10 day program is the initial start of their spiritual journey others, however, can explore themselves in an intensive detox retreat that uses components from both Ayurveda as well as Yoga in order to purify you completely both physically as well as mentally.
  9. Kalari Kovailakom , Kerala

    This place is indeed a palace for people searching for meditation. While here prepare to relax in a surrounding that is far-far away from all the hurries & worries of otherwise city life. One can detox himself with the benefits of pure vegetarian food prepared in an Ayurvedic fashioned kitchen with organic food.
    ‘Yoga Nidra’ is one meditation exercise that had been enticing people from all over the world to this serene land. An ancient meditation technique, this exercise provides deep relaxation and helps in de-stressing individuals.
  10. Isha Yoga Centre, Tamil Nadu

    This non – profit and non – religious center for Yoga in India is well known for worldwide for its pure motive of teaching the world with the benefits of Yoga. Located in the foothills of Velliangiri Mountains in Tamil Nadu, Isha Yoga Centre has been receiving visitors all across the globe since two decades.
    The calmness of this place not only helps people in revitalizing themselves but also provide them with inner relaxation. Its intensive Yoga retreat program helps people in re-connecting with their mind and soul.