Saturday 25 July 2015

What does google think about PM Narendra Modi?

Why does Google think Narendra Modi is among the 'World's Most Stupid Prime Ministers'?

Satender Singh

Satender SinghElectrical engineer

Google is a search engine and let me explain little bit on how it works. google crawls over trillions of web pages and sort on the basis of a algorithms it contains. These algorithms are based on the strings history, synonyms , instant , autocomplete etc. Based on these algo’s google open up the documents from its index. The work is still not over, all the searched documents are ranked on the basis of the relevancy of content The quality of pages and one good news ” It also check for the spams”. In the end ill conclude my points
 1) Google is just a engine which works on some rules built by software professionals and Google hasn’t intentionally kept Narendra modi on Stupid PM List.
 2) Also search for the Most deserving, Most convincing , Good, Best Prime ministers of India. I hope results dont surprise you..
The words ‘Prime Minister’ and ‘stupid’ led to an article on Reuters titled ‘Why work with India’s new leader? It’s the economy, stupid’. The presence of the word ‘stupid’ in the headline along with an article on why the US should care more about India is the reason we see PM Modi’s picture in the search results.

Also on searching for ‘worlds best prime minister’, Modi’s images appear multiple times and more times than any other premier’s.

Hitesh Joshi

Hitesh JoshiAvid Observer of Politics in India, Working on making Education SIMPLE, Addic...

It even shows Modi when you search "World's most awesome Prime minister".

It even shows Modi when you search "World's most popular Prime minister"

It even shows ONLY Modi when you search "World's most nationalist Prime minister"

I hope I have made my point :)

Mitesh Soni

Mitesh Sonistudent

This is because google results depends on many things and varies from person to person.
Google is having a  very robut and class search algoritham for search it shows different search results to different people.
Like there are many constraints on which it focus when an individual is searching like-
Geographic location (where an individual is located)
Previous search history
What an individual searches oftenly
On what sort of pages does an Individual clicks like if you search "Apple" and many times you click on the links related to Apple computers then it will show you results regarding technology and if you click oftenly on fruits website then it will show majority of results from websites regarding fruits.
Are you searching in day or night
and there are many more constraints 

So if 50 people in different countries with different interests will search "Most stupid prime ministers" Then 50 of them will get the different results and this may be possible that some may contain all the photos of narendra modi and some many not contain even single pic.

And one more thing you are searching images images generally shows up with the popularity level.
Like there is a word "prime minister" in "Most stupid prime ministers" so it possible that when you click on the image you get the page heading of the landing page to pe "Best prime Minister".

Sameer Bhagwat

Sameer BhagwatI voted Modi for PM & Kejriwal for CM

When something like this happened last time, this is what google said:

These results trouble us and are not reflective of the opinions of Google. Sometimes, the way images are described on the internet can yield surprising results to specific queries. We apologise for any confusion or misunderstanding this has caused. We’re continually working to improve our algorithms to prevent unexpected results like this.

Let us take a moment to thank our #Presstitutes for coming up with such wonderful article about our PM since past 12+ years. Words in those articles gets indexed and becomes part of the search. 

If this is brought to the notice of google, they will again apologize and fix this like they did last time.
Things got out of hand and Google ended up apologising to the Prime Minister.

This search has nothing to do with reality.

PS: Google also shows
Most famous prime minister of the world as MODI 
Most smart prime minister of the world as MODI
Most powerful prime minister of the world as MODI

Harsh Vardhan

Harsh VardhanBlogger and Serial Enterpreneur

Google Bombs

Whenever you search something on google there are many algorithms at work that decide on what is shown in the results page. There are some ways you can manipulate this system to bring unfavorable (sometimes humorous) results to appear. 

This is called a Google Bomb

About The Search snapshot you've posted

This can be a case of Google bombing but would require some serious investigation to find out the reality.  I've written about Google Bombs in this post with some of the most famous Google Bombs till date- @Google Bombs - When Google Goes Wrong - Blogs N Clicks

Google's response to these subjective questions can't be  taken at facevalue. A lot goes behind that small search. Google actually takes into consideration your place, your past searches, trends in your areas and many other things. So that means the stupidest Prime Minister according might not be same as there over according to Also based on our part activities, you and I might get different reuslts

Google doesn't 'think' anything about anyone. There are search algorithms that , according to what you search reflect the content available on the web. So , when you type a query it is not google's opinion rather others opinion served to you.

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