Chaitra Krishna 5 was the day when early in the morning, queen Lakshmana saw fourteen (sixteen according to Digamabara Jain Sect) auspicious dreams, she called upon a dream expert and learnt the meaning of her dreams. This created a pleasant atmosphere all over. People were friendly and exchanging gifts. She and king Mahasen were filled with joy to know that their and their family’s name will be immortal in the world as they were to be the parents of Tirthankar. During her pregnancy, one day the queen was looking at the splendors and glowing full-moon. All of a sudden she had a strange desire to drink the glowing streak of moon light. The king cleverly managed to satisfy this strange desire of a pregnant mother. On Paushya Krishna 13 (according to Hindu Calendar) Queen Lakshmana gave birth to a son. It was an atmosphere of festival all over.
Naming Ceremony
Queen was resting on a bed, that had blue colored bed sheet over it. She was also wearing blue dress with blue dupatta. The child was covered with this dupatta that had silver studs on it. It seemed as if among the stars, moon is laughing. So they decided to keep the name of the child as ‘Chandraprabhu’.
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