Monday, 29 August 2016

Jainism - Why should not people eat meat ?

Jainism - Why should not people eat meat ?

The fundamental tenets of every religion prohibit the eating of meat. Even if the religious point of view is set aside eating meat is harmful according to the principles of physiology and health. Anthropologists say that the structures of the bodies of carnivorous and Herbivorous animals differ greatly from each other.  Man's body is that of a herbivorous animal. Hence, meat‑eating is harmful to man and may cause harm.
The vegetarian food contains more of fibrous tissue and so food gets easily digested and helps the stomach to remain smooth Since non‑vegetarian food contains less of fibrous matter it may cause and increase many ailments of the digestive system and even the occurrence of cancer of the large intestine is not unlikely.  The meat of the animals that are killed contains the harmones and antibodies of those animals and these harmful and poisonous substances will get into the bodies of meat‑eaters. To make cattle healthyand to make them grow well they give them a medicine called B. E. S. and if this medicine gets into the bodies of meat‑ eaters, they may get cancer. The occurrence of cancer is noticeable in women who were given B. E. S. some twenty five years ago. Even their children have shown susceptibility to cancer.
Thus in the bodies of animals there are many poisonous substances. They, of course, throw them out through their urine and excretion but there is the full possibility of those substances remaining in the bodies of animals that die because when the heart stops beating, all the organs in the body cease functioning. Those who eat the meat of such animals surely fall victims to those poisons.
The content of cholesterol is greater in the fats and blood of animals. These may cause intestinal disorders or heart diseases and the cancer of the breast and of the womb may occur in the case of women. Since in the bodies of animals there is an excess of proteins and phosphorus, when they get into the bodies of men they may upset the balance and proportion of those substances along with calcium.
The urine of meat‑eaters is very acidic; so the salts and alkalis found in the bones meant to maintain the balance of blood, and the alkalis and salts in the body pass out through urine; and the bones also become weak. On the contrary, the urine of vegetarians contains alkalis; the salts of the bones are not passed into the blood; and so their bones remain healthy and strong.
According to the Medical report of Harward Medical School of 1967 ( Page 458), meat‑eating mars and impairs the digestive organs; and on account of the fact that the salts in the body change the saliva into an alkali it cannot carry out its function in the digestive process.

If we look at the problem from the economic point of view:

If a sheep eats 7 pounds of grain, it can grow one pound of meat. The fertile land and water that about 100 (20 families) of those who consume only rice and water need, will be needed for the subsistence of animals whose meat can suffice for 15 (3 families) of those who eat meat.
1. Toned milk ‑‑100 ml. (one small cup)
2. Dal soup ‑‑30 grams ( one cup )
3. Ground nuts‑‑15 grams (30 large nuts)
The price of these will be about 50 paise; and from them we get 15 gms. proteins and 300 calories of heat but when we consider non‑vegetarian food i. e., 40 grams of meat or fish (containing 15 grams of protein ), one egg of 50 grams cost 80 paise and they supply only 150 calories of heat.
Therefore, from these various points of view meat‑eating is objectionable.

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