Thursday 2 June 2016

Horoscope for Friday 03rd June 2016

Daily Horoscopes - See what your stars hold each day with Jessica AdamsYour Daily Horoscope for Friday 03rd June 2016

Curious to know what sort of day you're going to have today? Your free horoscope will help you to plan your day, each and every day.



March 21 - April 19
Travel (or travel in the mind) and journeys of all kinds - trips or head trips - are hard work now. Seek experience and expertise. This is quite a reality check. It's not going to get any easier at the Full Moon so find people who have been through this before with the internet, university/college, publishing, foreign people and their beliefs/culture, holidays, relocation and so on. What do others know that can help?



April 20 - May 20
There are no fast or easy solutions for the issues you face about the money, the property, the business, the possessions or the charity. Look at the strategy you have adopted so far. Does it still work? The trick in this cycle is to have an attitude or way of managing, that you can manage too. You have to be able to lean on it, and that means facing up to the numbers. Find tried, tested and trusted experts to help you.



May 21 - June 20
Your former, current or potential partner? Your enemy, opponent or rival? Please note: your Saturn cycle, now intensifying in June, is here for the long haul. Whatever you add to the mix with this person now, may take rather a long time to work itself out. Figure out what is actually going on by standing back from it. You two are creating brand new chemistry and you need to make sure you can deal with it.



June 21 - July 22
New June planetary cycles in your zone of work, lifestyle, daily routine - and crucially, your body - suggest that the proven answer is the right one. Tried, tested and trusted angles and perspectives are your friends now. If there is any level of avoidance or evasion on your part, ditch it. This cycle requires you to level with it. You have to face up to who or what you cannot change, but there are answers now.



July 23 - August 22
Babies, children or young adults? Lovers who might bring this generation into your life? Youth related concerns? Saturn has them all in his grasp in June, which is why everything feels so heavy. Lighten the load by finding out what works (or once worked so very well) for others in a similar situation. You are going to have to make a decision to either grab a new strategy, in two weeks, or drop a burden.



August 23 - September 22
Saturn's slow June cycle through the home zone of your chart describes unavoidable issues and non-negotiable realities about the family, the house, your apartment (or household) and perhaps your sense of place. There are any number of ways to handle this, though. So look at the menu of life. You may have been running away from something or even using a strategy which doesn't really work. Test everything.



September 23 - October 22
People who assume that the internet, your phone, the spoken word, language, literacy, new communication technology and the rest is a snap - are not Librans. Whatever you are dealing with at the moment, give it time. Have a look at the way you're framing the situation, too. Is it genuinely helpful? June is bringing a Full Moon to be reckoned with, and today is a good way to pre-empt any future hassles. Ask for advice.



October 23 - November 21
Part of the trick with a Saturn cycle like this one in June 2016 is to ruthlessly examine how you have chosen to see an unavoidable situation affecting your financial, taxation, business, charity or property situation. There are so many ways this could go, and so many ways to deal with it (or not). What's best? Have a look at the angle you've taken to date. Does it serve you or could an experienced person help?



November 22 - December 21
Saturn in Sagittarius, your own sign, is part of an intense new cycle in June 2016 and there is no swift way out of issues affecting how you are seen - and how you appear. Others have been down a similar road before you, when it comes to matters of reputation, role, title or appearances. Go find their experiences. Look in the mirror, or look online or in the camera lens and see yourself. What do you need to know?



December 22 - January 19
There are very good reasons why you cannot explain or share. You are either covering things up, dealing with your own subconscious mind (a very private business) or operating so far behind the scenes nobody is aware of you anyway! One way to get this in perspective - write it down, make sense of it, then rip it up. You are so deeply inside the situation that the burden is yours alone, but venting on paper can be helpful.



January 20 - February 18
The business of friendship, or belonging to a group (perhaps being strongly affected by a group) now comes to a head. This is useful as you need to see what/who is such a heavy lead weight at the moment, and how you can use particular points of view or strategies. What you have done to date may be working for you or it may not - this friend or the group is so challenging - but you must figure out if it's helpful.



February 19 - March 20
Your role, career, mission, ambition and position in life are all described by the sign of Sagittarius in your chart. When I tell you that you are having the most challenging cycles in 29 years in this sign, your life might make sense. The good news? You can select how you want to feel. You can choose how you wish to think about this - and experience and expertise are there for you to lean on. Do it now before that mid-June Full Moon brings you to point of no return.

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