Thursday 2 June 2016

Love leads you to an healthy heart n life

Being In Love Will Lead You To A Healthy Heart And Life

Love:It does make the world go round. With millions of songs and movies that have this emotion in its center, can it really be any other way?

 From early life, love acts as a security blanket from our parents, a growing up adventure with siblings and an out of the world experience with pets.

When you learn to care and love, it becomes a life habit that helps you find happiness in all situations.

In several Harvard studies over the years on finding the 'secret of happiness'and the connection between happiness, health, and love, one common undisputed fact emerged that love and good relationships keep you healthier and happier.

 There really is no medicine like having someone to love and share a life with. Note that you need these reasons for being in love but it is great to know them any way.

  1. The heart and love connection: Our heart has been connected with the emotion of love for so many reasons. Historically, the heart was thought to be the seat to thinking, emotions and memories. It beating extra hard during excitement and love gave an automatic connection to the two. This popular notion continued to take center stage even after it was scientifically proven that the heart only pumped blood while the brain took up other functionalities. The association remains strong until date where the beating heart as a life source is associate with love - which makes life a happy place.
  2. Love can boost your immune system: A research by Ronald Glazer and Jan Kiecolt-Glaser suggested that couples who engaged in positive conflict resolution had a higher functioning immune system than those who didn't. Which means, if you get into an argument, you need to play fair and play nice. Couples who argued and stonewalled showed a larger decline in their immediate immune system functioning. Some connection!
  3. Love more, live longer: According to a 2004 study by the CDC, married couples had the lowest mortality rates. Generally speaking, people who are in committed, loving relationships experience less stress which translates to improved heart health. Happy and loving relationships also coax us into giving up risky behaviours like smoking, especially when you want to raise a family. This in turn propels a healthy lifestyle.
  4. It can reduce your pain: Pain is a feeling when we are physically harmed internally or externally and its intensity is controlled by our brain. But the heart plays an equally important role in its intensity - i.e. reducing it. If you hold the hand of the person you love, it can minimize your feelings of pain. No wonder then that women in labor hold their husband's hand to tide through the pain!
  5. Love can keep your heart happy: Love increases the feeling of bliss and elevates you into a different sphere of optimism, energy and sense of well being - all of which go into keeping your heart healthy.Being In Love Will Lead You To A Healthy Heart And Life

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