Saturday 11 July 2015

Horoscope for this week starting from 12th July 2015

Based on your date of birth, find out zodiac given below and then according to that you see your horoscope for this week starting 12th July 2015:

Aries: March 20 - April 18
Taurus: April 19 - May 19
Gemini: May 20 - June 20
Cancer: June 21 - July 21
Leo: July 22 - August 21
Virgo: August 22 - Sept 21
Libra: Sept 22 - Oct 22
Scorpio: Oct 23 - Nov 20
Sagittarius: Nov 21 - Dec 20
Capricorn: Dec 21 - Jan 19
Aquarius: Jan 20 - Feb 18
Pisces: Feb 19 - March 19

Aries :: Short-term travel is likely to prove fruitful for business and salespersons now. Contacts developed during this week are likely to work profitably in the long run. The New Moon will start evolving from around Wednesday and will connect with debilitated and combusted Mars. With this, you may feel frustrated with your current circumstances on the domestic front. You may feel like changing your residence for good. At work, you are likely to be hard pressed on account of some difficult task assigned to you. It may seem to be quite challenging. You may even have to do some homework and brush up your skills in order to successfully complete this task. But despite having met your target, your boss may try to down play your achievements which will upset you tremendously. But try not to get worked up over this. Just concentrate on your performance and give your best; the rest will fall in place eventually. Over the weekend, you may be able to shake off all the discontent and come back in your positive frame of mind.

Taurus :: Family and finance related matters are likely to be your key focus areas now. You may be unhappy with your financial position and this may, in turn, compel you to look for other avenues to boost you earnings. If you have some connections abroad, this is a good time to benefit from them, says Ganesha. Around Thursday, the New Moon will start evolving. This is indicative of a new beginning in earning money from a new source. The rising of a New Moon is likely to have a refreshing influence on your mind. At work, in spite of experiencing difficult conditions, you will remain undeterred and apply yourself with conviction to succeed in your endeavours. Businesspersons and professionals dealing with organizations located abroad are likely to strike a profitable deal. These connections are likely to benefit you in the long-run. But freshers may have to work hard to prove their credentials as an efficient and committed professional. You may not be happy in marital life as the aggressive nature of your life-partner may make you feel low and frustrated.

Gemini :: With the Moon placed in your sign, you are likely to look for intellectual stimulation. But at the same time, you may be unsure about your priorities. Incidentally, you are likely to receive invitations for social functions and will have an enjoyable time partying. By nature, you are not the kind of person who can get distracted easily and lose focus. But the only thing is that you do not prefer to talk about your needs and seek favours. With the waning Moon nearing its end, you may feel low. The New Moon will start evolving around Thursday. But with the Moon placed in the 2nd House in conjunction with debilitated and combusted Mars, discontent in family is likely keep you worried. Besides, planetary alliance may not favour your efforts to resolve the discontent. This is likely to force you to become detached. Short-term travel for work purpose is on the cards around Thursday and Friday and is likely to bear encouraging results for business and salespersons.

Cancer :: If you have connections abroad, this is likely to prove to be a beneficial time for you. Businesspersons and professionals dealing with companies abroad may strike some profitable deals this week. These connections may continue to benefit you for long and enable you to spend money on luxuries and add comforts to your household around Monday and Tuesday. On Thursday, a New Moon will start evolving and will be placed in your sign, along with Mercury and debilitated and combusted Mars and Sun. This is indicative of new challenges and opportunities to achieve vertical growth. The New Moon may also lead to a new beginning in your personal life. Marital life seems to be pleasant and enjoyable and your spouse too will be caring and responsive to your gestures. Businesspersons may face bottlenecks which may also slow down the pace of progress. A noticeable change takes place now with Venus shifting to its sign of debilitation, Virgo, on Sunday.

Leo :: With Mercury getting placed in the 12th house from your sign and in conjunction with debilitated Mars and Sun, you must remain careful about financial transactions. Ganesha cautions against indulging in any speculation-oriented activity. Businesspersons need to take enough precautions while extending unsecured credit, more so, to a first-time customer. Around Thursday, the new Moon will start evolving. With the new Moon associated with debilitated and combusted Mars, you are likely to feel restless and a bit frustrated. At work, you may feel uncomfortable and stressed around Wednesday and Thursday on account heavy workload and urgency to meet deadlines. In regard to health, disturbance in the digestive system is likely to bother you most of the time. Avoid spicy food late in the night. There is also a strong possibility of getting injured unexpectedly by way of either falling from a height, getting burn injuries or while driving a vehicle. On the last day of the week, Venus will enter its sign of debilitation, dual-natured earthly Virgo.

Virgo :: You are likely to remain focused on career related matters. New Moon starts evolving from Thursday. Moon coming in contact with debilitated Mars, is likely to make you feel agitated and tense. On the positive side, a new meaningful relationship is likely to develop. This is likely to work well in advancing your financial interests. Businesspersons in foreign trade and professionals handling offshore projects are likely to be able to strike good long-term profitable deals. Professionals have to work hard, accept new challenges to successfully handle the offshore projects. A short-term visit may be necessitated to finalise the deal. If you are looking for a job change, good time to start applying for the same. Freshers looking for suitable employment opportunity, may not be happy with remuneration offered. Those in a romantic relationship may feel like reviewing the same. There may be no inclination to commit yourself to marriage. On Sunday, Venus enters its sign of debilitation, a dual natured, earthly sign, Virgo.

Libra :: Retrograde Saturn is posited in the 2nd House from your sign, related mainly with family and finance. Discontent in family about provisions required needs to be attended urgently. Unexpected expenses related to family and household will upset your plans for savings. With Saturn in the 2nd House, plan your finances with the long-term in view and keep enough provision to meet emergencies. Wanning Moon comes to an end and New Moon starts evolving from Thursday. New Moon is posited in its own sign, in the 10th House from your sign. Moon then comes near to Mars and Mercury, besides Sun. This is indicative of a new beginning in matters related to work. If in job, you may be entrusted with extra responsibility and important tasks to handle. You may need to accept new challenges and put up that extra effort to succeed in a new assignment. Businesspersons may be thrilled to receive orders form reputed companies. Ruler of your sign, Venus enters its debilitated sign Virgo in the 10th House from your sign over the weekend.

Scorpio :: Moon being the ruler of the 9th House from your sign and related to fortune, becomes an important planet for your sign. At the beginning of the week, Moon will be placed in the 8th House from your sign. And with this, you are likely to experience Monday blues, which may not let you concentrate hard on your work. You may remain somewhat depressed till the New Moon starts evolving from Thursday but from then on you will be back to your usual self. Businesspersons dealing in foreign trade and professionals handling offshore projects are now likely to be better placed to strike profitable deals on their own terms. The connections developed during this period are likely to work for a long time. This may prove to be a game-changer for you in the long run. In job, you may get some respite due to the positive influence of Jupiter over the 6th House from your sign. The 6th House, besides other things, relates to employment.

Sagittarius :: Now it is the turn of your spouse to complain about you burdening him/her with things which you ought to handle. Your in-laws are likely to intervene to bring back peace and harmony in your marital life. However, in spite of this, you may remain bogged down emotionally on Tuesday and Wednesday. You are likely to recover from all this from Thursday when the New Moon will start evolving. With Moon in Leo, you are likely to feel confident and try to focus on other relevant issues, like growth in your pursuit and strengthening your financial position. The crunch in the story is about retrograde Saturn placed in the 12th House, having square aspect over the Moon and Jupiter placed in the 9th House. The influence of Saturn is likely to enable you to see ground realities and become practical. You may feel the need to learn a few new things about your trade and also brush up skills to face new challenges successfully.

Capricorn :: With the Moon placed in the 6th House related to adversity, differences with spouse stand to increase this week. Try to avoid verbal exchanges as much as you can. Relationship issues in general are likely to be affected adversely around this time. The New Moon will start evolving from Thursday and will come in contact with Jupiter. This is likely to work well in calming strained nerves. And the good news is that you may get encouraging returns from money invested earlier. Businesspersons may gain by way of increase in prices of goods stocked in bulk. In regard to health, problems related to sore throat or a severe toothache could bother you now. If you have a habit of smoking or chewing tobacco, you must cut down on it or else you could face dire consequences. At home, you may be shocked by the unruly behaviour of a kid and may have to spend money to satisfy his/her demands. Professionals may need to opt for a crash course to brush up your skills and successfully handle new challenges.

Aquarius :: The tough times you face on almost every front will make you feel low. But this does not suit your personality. On being hard pressed, you may tend to become detached, which is your usual trait. This mental struggle is likely to prevail till Wednesday. But from around Thursday, with the New Moon evolving, you will acquire a whole new perspective. Although the situation at the ground level may not change much, you will take adversities in your stride and stay positive. However, you may not get any respite in marital life and may still be disturbed because of the strained relations with your life partner. This could also affect your day-to-day activities and you may have difficulty in remaining focused. This, in turn, will affect your performance and annoy your bosses. On Sunday, your most favorable planet, Venus, will enter Virgo. Bachelors seeking the company of a member of the opposite sex are likely to be disappointed, because of this transit, feels Ganesha.

Pisces :: Domestic matters are likely to top your agenda around this time. Interestingly, an antique piece lying in a corner of your house is likely to catch your attention and on realizing the high value of the same, you may be tempted to encash it by selling it. However, check the value of the antique by taking a second opinion of an expert before selling it off. The influence of benevolent Jupiter over the 2nd House from your sign, related to money, seems favourable for increasing earnings and, in turn, strengthening your financial position. However, with malefic Ketu and Rahu placed on the 2nd and 8th House axis, gains may reduce due to some reason or another. So you are most likely to experience mixed fortunes in matters related to finance. Moreover, with fiery planets Sun and debilitated Mars placed in a watery sign in the 5th House, temperamental issues will need to be checked. Do not let your mind run riot and hurt your prospects.

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