Saturday 11 July 2015

Horoscope for today, the 12th July 2015

Based on your date of birth, find out zodiac given below and then according to that you see your horoscope for today:

Aries: March 20 - April 18
Taurus: April 19 - May 19
Gemini: May 20 - June 20
Cancer: June 21 - July 21
Leo: July 22 - August 21
Virgo: August 22 - Sept 21
Libra: Sept 22 - Oct 22
Scorpio: Oct 23 - Nov 20
Sagittarius: Nov 21 - Dec 20
Capricorn: Dec 21 - Jan 19
Aquarius: Jan 20 - Feb 18
Pisces: Feb 19 - March 19

Aries :: If you are involved in monetary matters, today you will find yourself weighing the benefits. A loan that you have applied for may be sanctioned. Look at a range of choices, says Ganesha, and you will end up feeling very happy about it.

Taurus :: Your think tank will be running on overdrive today. Your possessiveness might kick in to cause a conflict. Keep your anger under the carpet to avoid any unnecessary complications. Introspection will also play upon your thoughts, leading you to explore your problems and pry for solutions, predicts Ganesha.

Gemini :: Today may not be very meaningful and productive for you, though you will get to spend plenty of quality time with yourself in the afternoon, which may not necessarily be to your liking. By evening, you may feel a little extra sensitive. A lonely day, or as an optimist would put it, you've got the whole day to yourself; it could have been worse (For instance, a day alone with your nagging mother-in-law!).

Cancer :: You are likely to be at your inventive best today, feels Ganesha. You are likely to taste success, much to the delight of your colleagues at work and loved ones back home. However, experience counts, and if you are a beginner at something, you may face problems in your new venture.

Leo :: Agreed that home is where the heart is. But today, your home is where your troubles will be. The faster you try to run away from them, the quicker they seem to catch up with you, says Ganesha. So, scooting off may not be the best solution. Some people around you may try to blow things out of proportion; the best way to keep them in check is with a smile. For, a smile is the secret weapon of all winners, reminds Ganesha.

Virgo :: Open the mind gates and let your imagination flow, says Ganesha. At your creative best, you will pursue innovation and creativity today. Luck will be on your side and even those things that you took a risk on may lean your way. You energy levels will be unusually high and you will feel passionate about all that you undertake. A good day to organise social events for family and friends.

Libra :: Some days are full of new ideas. Today is one such day as you radiate diligence and intelligence. Consider it an auspicious moment to begin new business schemes, especially if you happen to be self-employed. Today, you will be able to think at a level higher and clearer than the rest. But, as happens when you focus more on work, it comes at the cost of family time. Maintain a balance, advises Ganesha.

Scorpio :: An upcoming project of a new joint venture will capsize your personal life and keep you on your toes today, says Ganesha. You may not find the results in proportion to the efforts that you put in, but be patient because everything will fall in place only in due time. If all things in life came at an easy cost, then they would be grossly undervalued, reminds Ganesha.

Sagittarius :: To do or not to do? That will be the question for most of today as you find yourself pulling out of one dilemma only to trip into the next one. Controversy will surround you and you may find yourself at the crossroads, where you are unsure of which direction to take. Turn to the wisdom of the experienced for proper guidance, advises Ganesha.

Capricorn :: The most intimidating of ventures can prove successful if fortune favours you; you will be fortunate today, says Ganesha. Those of you dealing in stocks and shares can expect a profitable day ahead, but don't forget to give credit to your spouse; it will be their luck working wonders for you.

Aquarius :: You are already overloaded with work. On the top of it, people around you will conveniently put their share of load on your back, and you will take it most of the times. You, however, will not get bogged down by the additional responsibilities. In fact, you will rise to the challenge and perform exceptionally well, leaving your rivals surprised.

Pisces :: Home is where the hearth is, in which the troubles you need to deal with today are smouldering. Running away from your problems will simply have you out of breath; it would be wiser to take a stand and find solutions to petty conflicts without losing your perspective. Make no mountains out of mole hills, says Ganesha.

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