Tuesday 21 July 2015

Why Indians are proud?

India became the first country to enter Mars orbit in first attempt

India launched its Mars Orbiter akaMangalyaan(Sanskrit for mars crafter) on November 5, 2013 . This was India's first interplanetary mission to mars and the orbiter was expected to reach the martian orbit by September 24, 2014. 

Whats so special about this ?
  • If the satellite makes it into the Martian orbit, India will become the fourth country in the world after US, Russia  and Europe to undertake a successful Mars mission.
  • The estimated cost of the mission was about 71,000,000$, which is much much less as compared to the previous mission to mars by other countries.
  • The orbiter can provide information about mars surface features, morphology, mineralogy and martian atmosphere by indigenous scientific instruments.
You can check the video given below for more information about Mangalyaan.

Source: All you need to know about Mangalyaan - India's first mission to Mars
India is in the midst of one of the largest rescue missions from a foreign country.

Codenamed operation Raahat, the mission was launched in the last week of March to bring back Indians from war-torn Yemen.

On  March 31, India sent V.K. Singh, one of its ministers and former  chief of the Indian Army, to oversee the mission and ensure safe return  of its citizens. 
By April 7 (Tuesday), India is expected to bring back almost all its citizens stuck in Yemen. As many as 4000 Indians—mostly engaged as laborers and nurses—were said to be living in the country before the rescue mission. About 2300 are now back in India, according to the news agency Press Trust of India.

Some facts regarding the operation-
  • So far the Indian Air force has airlifted 1,144 evacuees from Yemen. Most of them  were immediately transferred to Djibouti, a small country located near  Somalia at the horn of Africa, from where they were flown back to India.
  • The Indian national carrier, Air India,  carried 488 people through three special flights from Sana’a( Largest city in Yemen) to India on April 5. A day  later, Air India is reported to have evacuated 574 people from Sana’a to  Djibouti, described as the single largest evacuation by air in a day.
  • While Air India has so far used two Airbus A320’s and a Boeing 777 to evacuate Indians, the Indian Army used two C-17 Globe-masters to airlift Indians from Djibouti to Mumbai. The Indian air-force had dispatched its C-17s on April 2, and brought back 358 Indians.
  • INS Mumbai—a missile destroyer—and two other  vessels, including war ship INS Tarkash and INS Sumitra were sent to Yemen last week. India’s shipping corporation also sent two passenger  ships—Kavaratti and Corals—to Yemen to assist the navy. In all, India sent five ships to Yemen.
  • The last time the Indian Navy was actively involved in an international  rescue operation was roughly ten years ago—during the 2006 Lebanon War.
  • Small boats were used to transport Indians from  Yemen’s port city Aden onto the naval vessels that could not enter the  ports due to heavy firing. So far, between April 1 and April 5, INS  Sumitra and INS Mumbai have evacuated 1,330 people, including 1,154 Indians from Yemen and brought to Djibouti.
Now, impressed with the evacuation procedure, 26 countries have sought India's help to evacuate their citizens from the war-torn country!!

This is indeed the proudest moment for any Indian!! India is truly blessed to have people with such dedication in the army and a PM with such a foresight and administrative capabilities!
Hope this helps!!
Leave your comments as well!!

Edit-1:As suggested by Amit Kulkarni, the list has been updated and Yemen has been removed from the list!

Edit-2:A picture which compliments the description! As suggested by Prateek Mittal

Edit-3:As suggested by Sagar Motewar andAnandam Mallik, In  1990 during gulf war, theIndian government airlifted over 1,70,000  Indians from Kuwait with help of 488 flights in just 59 days. Air India  entered into Guinness Book of World Records for the civil airline that  had evacuated the most people till date.

Edit-4: This shows the level of commitment

My other informative answers:
Yeshwanth Raju's answer to What is the Mudra bank that Narendra Modi has just launched?

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Ratnakar Sadasyula
Ratnakar SadasyulaAmateur Historian
Balaji Viswanathan  has already given a good list of some major events that made us proud.  These are some  event which made us equally proud,events that  actually made a difference to ordinary people.

Operation Flood-White Revolution of India

This was started by the late Dr.Verghese Kurien, one of the world's largest dairy development program. Also regarded as India's  White Revolution,  the project was carried out in 3 phases. Phase 1 in the 70's saw the linking of the premier milksheds to the 4 major metros,  creation of mother diaries. Between 1981-85, around 43,000 milk cooperatives were created, domestic milk powder production increased rapidly, as also direct marketing of milk. And in Phase II from 1986-1996, around 30,000 more milk cooperatives were added to the existing ones, as more and more rural areas became self sufficient. It also saw an active participation by women too. This created the National Dairy Development Board, as also one of  India's favorite brand Amul. From a milk deficient nation, India has now become the world's largest milk producer, surpassing even the US.

Chipko Movement

This was a grassroots Gandhian movement in the hills of Garwhal, by women, against indiscriminate  cutting of trees by the timber mafia during the 70's. The timber mafia and commercial foresters began large scale cutting down of trees in the 70's, resulting in soil erosion, water shortage, shortage of firewood. The colonial legacy saw large tracts of prime forest land being given out to contractors, and the natives being reduced to doing menial jobs in their own land. The trigger was the devastating floods of the Alakananda river in 1970, when whole villages were washed away. The women took matters into their own hand, hugging trees, stopping them from being cut down. It was a movement that spread like wildfire in the region, and village after village responded.  The Govt  banned the cutting of trees, restoring the green cover. This was a total grassroots movement, led by the people of the region, and the agitators took up critical economic issues, from minimum wages to workers to women's cooperatives being set up.

Pulse Polio

One of the most ambitious programs by the Indian Government, to eradicate polio, that started in 1996. Thousands of dedicated doctors, volunteers, health workers, activists, fanned out across the country, educating people on the benefits of  the polio drops. It was one of the largest community healthcare initiatives in the world, and the result was that it has made India, polio free.Also using popular movie stars like Amitabh Bachan, Aishwarya Rai, and Chiranjeevi down South, worked, with the message going to the masses.

While the above is not a very exhaustive list, there is something common to all the 3 incidents I mentioned in the answers. All 3 of them had extensive grassroots participation, they were initiatives in which the stakeholders were taken into confidence. The above succeeded because they had thousands of ordinary people, being a part of the process. And that is what my feeling has been, India needs these kind of movements which enable people's participation at the grass roots level. Only then there will be any meaningful change truly.
Srujan Babu
Srujan BabuEngineer
This  incident happened when Rakesh Sharma was in Space as a  part of joint program between Indian Space Research Organisation and Soviet intercosmos space  program. In 1984 he became the first citizen of India to go into space.

The crew held a joint television news conference with officials in Moscow  and then Indian Prime Minister Indira Gandhi. Following conversation happened between them.
 Indira Gandhi:  how India appears from outer space
Rakesh Sharma: Sare jahan se Accha (India looked the best even from 
the space, the best in the world)

This was also a proud moment for millions of Indian TV viewers who watched India become the 14th nation to send a man to outer space.

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