Sunday, 28 February 2016

Make Delhi greener with some efforts

Seven things you can do to make Delhi greener than its now


Clean Delhi, Green Delhi has been the slogan of the Delhi government from quite some time now! With numerous plantations and various luscious garden inaugurations that Delhi has witnessed over the past few years, can Delhiites still consider their city to be ‘Clean and Green’? A recent study has revealed that Delhi invariably lies in the ‘High Health Risk’ zone with a startling rise in the al fresco particulate matters within the city. So, who is to be blamed for this rise of particulate matter? You cannot really name any individual body or authority. We all have at some point or the other contributed our bit towards polluting our city!
Though many of you have also taken commendable initiatives towards a Greener and Cleaner Delhi! But it’s about time that we all make an effort and make Delhi a much ‘Cleaner and Greener’ place to live in!

7. Keep the Streets Clean – Stop Littering Garbage

One of the best ways to keep Delhi clean is to avoid polluting the city in the first place. We should keep our wastes indoors till the time it is collected at the doorstep. We can then freely enjoy garbage free localities and towns and also enhance the beauty of the place.
7 Things You Can Do To Make Delhi Greener Than It Is Now

6. Keep Your Surroundings Clean

If every individual property owner or ground floor occupier makes it a point to keep their immediate surroundings clean, including drains, footpaths and road shoulders, right up to rear part of their frontage, the whole of the street would be dramatically transformed. This will also help them control hawker-litter, footpath encroachment and flooding around their areas. For residential complexes, enforcement should begin street-wise, such that after a mass cleanup drive, every citizen makes it a point of maintaining cleanliness.
7 Things You Can Do To Make Delhi Greener Than It Is Now

5. Teach Your Kids Rules of Cleanliness

Kids who walk around licking their ice-cream candies or having chocolates generally have a habit of dropping ice-cream sticks or chocolate wrappers anywhere on the streets or shopping complexes, as soon as they finish eating. Usually, guardians or parents make no note of it and ignore it completely. Even worse, they sometimes do it themselves. It’s time for you to act like responsible citizens and let your kids know the correct place of dropping the waste.
7 Things You Can Do To Make Delhi Greener Than It Is Now

4. Avoid Throwing Things Out Of the Car

Throwing things out of the car has almost become a common practice here. People don’t even think once before littering and throwing trash out of the car. They throw almost all sorts of food wastes, bottles and papers out on the roads. We should however restrain all such practices and develop a sense of righteousness amongst ourselves to realize the consequences of adopting such practices.
7 Things You Can Do To Make Delhi Greener Than It Is Now

3. Pick up Trash – Something Hard to do, But one can Try

If you notice trash on your way, take an initiative and pick it up and throw it into a dust-bin near you. You don’t need to be ashamed or feel reluctant as you will be contributing your bit towards a healthier and cleaner Delhi.
7 Things You Can Do To Make Delhi Greener Than It Is Now

2. Plant More Trees

Trees are responsible for absorbing CO2, which is a major greenhouse gas. They not only remove Carbon from the atmosphere but also store it while releasing Oxygen back into the atmosphere. An acre of mature trees are known to absorb equivalent amount of carbon dioxide that is produced when you drive a car for about 26,000 miles. Trees are known to clean the air, provide oxygen, conserve energy and also enhance the look of the city. So plant as much trees as you can.
7 Things You Can Do To Make Delhi Greener Than It Is Now

1. Educate More People Around You

You can begin with educating your kids and work your way up to the elders. Teach them the importance of ‘Clean and Green’ living by safely disposing trash and how it helps to the impact the wellness of the community as a whole. Educate people around you to be proactive and make them realize the unwanted and undesired effects of living in filth.
7 Things You Can Do To Make Delhi Greener Than It Is Now

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