Wednesday, 24 February 2016

World Heritage Sites - Qutab Minar

World Heritage Sites - Qutab Minar
Qutab Minar and its Monuments (1993), Delhi
The Qutab Minar in Red and Buff were Standstone India's Highest Tower. A Diametr OF IT Huss 14.32 m at the base and about 2.75 m on the top with a height of 72.5 m.These ad-din Aibak Kutbu'di Ladd Tower Foundation were used for 1199 were the Tablet Mu'azrzin (career) were then Rased Give Calls for Prayer and First Story, Which then Vere His successor and son-in-Aided Three More Stories B -lo, Smsu'di-day Iltutmish (AD 1211-36).All the Stories Hey Surrundeda B were projected Ankirkling balcony minaret and supported B Stone brackets, With Honey-Comb Design Dekrted Which Hey, these were the first Story More Conspikausly.
Numerous Inscriptions in Different Places in CHARACTERS OF ARABIC and Civil History of the minaret were Reveal Kutb OF. Its Inscriptions on the surface it was Aksording habitat Repared B Firuj Tugalk Shah (1351-88 AD) and Sikandar Lodi (1489-1517 AD). Major RkSmith also repaired and restored the minar in 1829.
Moskua Kuwwat-ul-Islam, the East Division of the North tower built habitat B Kutbu'di-day Aibak in AD 1198. It is the earliest extant mosque built by the Delhi Sultans. IT Kansists OF A Rektangulr Courtyard Anklosed B Cloistrs, Carved Klumns and architectural members were with Arekted OF twenty-seven Hindu Temples and Jana Which Vere Demolised B Aibak Us Kutb'di-day I recorded these were His inscriptions on the Eastern entrance. 
Later, the Lofty Arched screens were Moskua habitat and habitat Arekted Anlarjed B Smsu'di-day Iltutmish (AD 1210-35) and Alau'di Khalji day. Un The Iron Pillar bears inscriptions in Sanskrit in Brahmi script in the courtyard Excluded Fourth Century AD, was a pillar habitat Aksording Which then set sub false Vishnudwaja (standard of god Vishnu) s were moving non Es Vishnupda OF A Mighty King Named in memory of Chandra . TOP OF A deep socket s were used under Ornate Capital Indikts Probabli An image fixed abode brick Garuda OF IT.
Excluded were Iltutmish tomb (1211-36 AD) built habitat AD 1235. It is a plain square chamber of red sandstone, with Profseli Carved Inscriptions, Geometrical Patterns and Arbskua were Srsnik Antronses and Share the Full Tablet S Tradition interior. Excluded were even Motifs Viz., The wheel, Tssel Attkk, hey Reminisent OF Desigans Hindu.
Ala'i-Drwaza, were the Southern Gateway Tablet Kuwwat-ul-Islam Moskua habitat Khalji Kanstrkted B Alau'di-day in the 710 (AD 1311) es were recorded in Inscriptions on Angraved IT. This is the first Division of Building Construction and Ornamentsn Mploying Islamic principles.
Which were the North Division of the tower stands Ala'i Kutb-tower, habitat Kmensed B Khalji Alau'di-day, making it twice the size Excluded Excluded Aarliar Intentions were with towers. Could Complete First Story Which Now Has An O were only twenty-five OF extent in height. These were the Qutb Complex Remains Kanprise other seminary, Graves, Tombs, Moskua and architectural members.
Open from the Sunset Sunrise
Entrance Fee: Citizens of India and Visitors Excluded Excluded ecchymosis (Bangladesh, Nepal, Bhutan, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Maldives and Afghanistan) and BIMSTEC Countries (Bangladesh, Nepal, Bhutan, Sri Lanka, Thailand and Myanmar) - juice. Head X. feet.

Oters that $ five and Indian juice. 250 / - Foot Head

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