Monday 22 August 2016

Can a Heartburn Drug Cause Cognitive Problems?

Can a Heartburn Drug Cause Cognitive Problems?:

If you check the recent scientific studies, then you will come to know that PPI drugs are treated as the popular medicines to treat heartburn troubles, but as the side-effect, you will face acute cognitive troubles. Your mental condition might get affected in various ways causing memory or concentration loss, decrease in brain ability and others. Though, these drugs are very safe but only effectively treating heartburn troubles, especially gastroesophageal-reflux disease.

How Dementia is related with PPI drugs? 
PPI drugs are normally recommended by doctors for treating heartburn issues, but if you are taking these drugs on a continuous basis, then you might face the unwanted signs or symptoms of dementia. This is a hardcore fact and it has been observed by many reputed researchers of the present age. There are some commonest symptoms that can be observed due to dementia and some of the prominent ones are as follows:
  1. Beta-amyloid production: Beta-amyloid is a kind of protein and the growth of this specific protein increases to a great extent with the consistent intake of PPI drugs. This protein might lead to the increase in varied dementia signs, out of which the most severe kind of situation is Alzheimer's disease. This disease might get converted into dreadful condition at times and this is the reason a regular or consistent intake of PPI drugs should be essentially avoided. If you are facing this condition, then you should report about the same to your doctor immediately. This protein is very toxic or harmful for the brain as your mental ability is being adversely affected. 
  2. Decrease of vitamin B-12: If vitamin b-132 decreases day by day, then acute mental disturbances will get invited. If you want to avoid this kind of condition, then nothing can be a better option other than avoiding PPI drugs. This is the only reason that doctors never recommend taking these drugs in an excessive limit. In fact, sometimes, these drugs are prescribed along with other potential medicines that can help in maintaining mental health in good condition. If you have got any family history of mental trouble, then you should reveal the same to your doctor so that strong PPI medicines are not prescribed for gastric troubles. In fact, there are few limitations among PPI drugs that are never to be prescribed by doctors and all the doctors should follow the same in a sincere manner.

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