Monday 15 August 2016

Embodiments of Love - 16.08.2016

Embodiments of Love - 16.08.2016

What is the value of self-confidence in one’s life? 

Bhagawan lovingly reminds us today with an example from the life of the US President, Abraham Lincoln.

Abraham Lincoln was born in an extremely poor family in America.

 His mother Nancy worked hard to educate him. When Lincoln went to school, other children made fun of him for his dress and poverty. Unable to bear this, Lincoln told his mother, “Mother, my fellow-students are ridiculing me a lot.

 Please get me good clothes.” Drawing him close, his mother said, “Son, our family condition is not good. Even feeding everyone is a problem.

 In this condition, how can you expect good clothes? Live according to your condition. Sooner or later you will reach the level of your deservedness. Don’t be deterred by other people’s ridicule.

 Live with self-confidence. Self-confidence is the source of all success.” Thus, she encouraged him. From that moment, Lincoln endowed himself with great self-confidence and pursued his studies and activities with honest effort. 

He was never upset over anything. Though devoid of material wealth and comforts, with self-confidence as his armour he succeeded.

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