Thursday 18 August 2016

Horoscope for Friday, the 19th August 2016

Horoscope for Friday, the 19th August 2016:

Are you curious to know what today has in store for you? Jessica Adams' free daily horoscope will help you to plan your Friday.


March 21 - April 19
You may have to let this wheel spin around until the start of October, Aries. What you might have assumed was in the can, a done deal or a certainty is actually in motion. That gives you an extra reason to gather more information or have a very flexible diary – for weeks.


April 20 - May 20
I don’t think anyone really loves the Mercury Retrograde cycle, as it is too chaotic in terms of computers, cars, trains, planes and telephones in general and communication in particular. Right now you have this in your zone of pregnancy, babies, children and grown-up children too.


May 21 - June 20
You could call this the ultimate moveable feast, as there is nothing firmly in place about your family member, flatmate, house, apartment, home town or homeland. Play this very carefully as the umbrella of protection you have been under since last year will be whipped away on September 10th, Gemini.


June 21 - July 22
Best treat the project, idea or concept as a work in progress which may be rewritten once or twice by October. Try to get most of it out of the way by September 10th if you can while the luck or protection is still there. After that date it’s a little harder.


July 23 - August 22
The paperwork, discussion or e-mails involving your money, property, business, charity or possessions require a good, long look. You are going to see a rewind or replay later on, but also a really unclear moment, when the eclipse on Friday 16th September crosses over exactly the same place in your horoscope.


August 23 - September 22
A title, a role, a car, a haircut – what is in it for you, in the image stakes? Perhaps this is about the more nebulous matter of your internet profile in general, and the ‘you’ that is projected out there on social media, on YouTube, via e-mail and the rest. Take your time with the current decision process, Virgo.


September 23 - October 22
We are already seeing the typical effects of the Mercury Retrograde cycle all over the world, from travel disruptions, to strikes, to computer failures. This idea of wheels spinning backwards is typical of this cycle and for you, it affects the secrets you cover up, or the role you play behind the scenes, without attention.


October 23 - November 21
It won’t be until the early days of October that the current story with (or for) your friend is played out. This person may be involved in a wider network, circle, club, team, trade union, political party, or social media group with you. Allow for changes and even reversals.


November 22 - December 21
Your career, unpaid work, full-time parenting or university degree is right in the middle of this muddled, messy Mercury Retrograde cycle. That isn’t to say it can’t benefit you. There is still a lot of protection or luck out there before September 9th. Just allow for the talking points to move backwards and forwards.


December 22 - January 19
It would be a miracle if you could get through this month (and in fact September too) without some kind of zig-zag walkway in front of you. Two steps forward and one step back is very likely with your worldwide web, foreign, regional, travel, publishing or education plan. We are already seeing the effects on our planet.


January 20 - February 18
The Pisces and Virgo zones of your chart concern your credit card, cheques, bank, salary, land, house, apartment, business interests and so on. Right now both those signs are being pinged by eclipses (right through September) and the usual backwards and forwards progress of Mercury Retrograde.


February 19 - March 20
You may want to suspend your judgement about your partner. This also applies to your former or potential partner. Enemies too! It would be so tempting to turn this into a talk-fest until September and spend your life asking one meaningful question after another, yet your horoscope suggests progress will not be direct.

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