Sunday 21 August 2016

Horoscope for Monday 22nd August 2016

Horoscope for Monday 22nd August 2016

Are you curious to know what today has in store for you? Jessica Adams' free daily horoscope will help you to plan your Monday.


March 21 - April 19
Even if it takes you weeks to nail this down, commit to the new lifestyle, work and body options swirling around you this week. It is possible that today's e-mail, phone call, meeting or letter will show you what is waiting - at the very least expect a mood change - with options later.


April 20 - May 20
The key to everything is with a younger member of your family, your godchildren, paid (or unpaid) efforts with a junior generation, or a lover who could easily bring younger faces into your life one day. How do you turn the key? Over the next three days, show up and look willing.


May 21 - June 20
Look to the family, or your home town, for possibilities. Look to your country and national pride, perhaps, or to your own home. There may be a house or apartment to invest in, emotionally and energetically. So much is possible by Wednesday, Gemini, even if it's a little stop-start.


June 21 - July 22
Even if you go back and forth with the website, concept, plan, idea, course or project - it is entirely worth your faith. You will see why over the next three days as you are the right person, in the right place (almost) at the right time. Make a good beginning anyway, and follow through.


July 23 - August 22
You will make or save a small fortune by Wednesday if you take the opportunity or solution now being offered to you. It's not once in lifetime, Leo, but it can only occur every 12 years. Mercury is out of balance, though, so get it in writing and allow for delays or changes too.


August 23 - September 22
Your best bet is yourself, at the moment, and your own profile, portrait or title. You will see some great solutions or opportunities by Wednesday as your ruler Mercury forms a rare conjunction with Jupiter, not possible for years. Allow for zig-zag progress by September.


September 23 - October 22
If you have a hidden agenda at the moment, covered up from prying eyes, then it will be serving you very well with spectacular options by midweek. If you are operating undercover, behind the scenes or dealing with classified information, that is also a big wow factor for you.


October 23 - November 21
Get it in writing and read the fine print on delays and changes - but do lock down what is happening with your team, club, society or other community. This goes beyond friendship. It is basically about the rich rewards which come when you realise life is The Three Musketeers.


November 22 - December 21
Try to secure as much as possible in your career, university degree, unpaid work or full-time parenting by Friday. Get it in writing. Mercury's peculiar motion guarantees that your progress will be stop-start, but what is laid out before you now is nothing short of a grand answer.


December 22 - January 19
Even if you find yourself going sideways and backwards, continue on this journey. You are travelling, or travelling in the mind, for excellent reasons. The journey may be educational, digital, spiritual, philosophical or literal - you are actually covering new ground. Just say yes. A lot.


January 20 - February 18
Jupiter's conjunction to Mercury in Virgo in your Eighth House of finance, property, business, charity and ownership is substantial and welcome. It is also infuriating on one level because Mercury is Retrograde Shadow so you will go back and forth - but do get this in writing.


February 19 - March 20
The other person who balances the scales with you, or even unbalances them against you, is a glittering figure in your life this week. He or she is the key to so much, no matter if you want to resolve an issue in a grand manner or joyfully take a gigantic leap forward in your life.

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